Home Improvement

Signs of Silverfish Infestation and How to Deal With Them 

When homeowners inspect their attics and basements, they may notice annoying insects crawling around the property. Protecting the home entails getting rid of the insects and fixing the damage they have done. If silverfish have infested the home, homeowners must know how to identify the problem because these troublesome pests can go undetected for lengthy periods.

Silverfish are quite enigmatic to the common person because of their quick movements and preference for damp, gloomy environments. These bugs are notorious for destroying books and textiles and contaminating food in your kitchen. Contact Fountain Valley pest control to learn how to identify and eliminate them if they become a problem.

What are silverfish? 

Silverfish are named for their silvery, metallic sheen, as well as their fish-like shape and motions. Silverfish are also called “bristletails” because of their three long, bristly, or tail-like appendages on the back of their bodies. Silverfish may be found across the United States and are most commonly found in wet, humid regions of the home, such as bathrooms, basements, and attics. They tend to disguise their presence from people. Thus, any damage they inflict may also go unreported. 

Are silverfish dangerous? 

Silverfish not only cause damage to property and residences but can also cause allergic responses in certain people. Silverfish shed scales containing the protein tropomyosin. When coupled with other allergens, this protein can cause allergies. Silverfish will contaminate coffee, cereals, pork, and flour as they forage about the house for nourishment. Because their diet is high in starch, they are commonly seen in cereal boxes and storage bins throughout the kitchen. 

Silverfish prefer to nest in locations with glue or adhesive, creating holes in boxes, books, garments, and wallpaper. Although these insects provide no immediate threat, their presence in the home should not be ignored. Otherwise, they will become a major annoyance.

Signs of a silverfish infestation 

If your home has a flood, a leaky sink, water damage, or an overall penchant for dampness, you may be vulnerable to a silverfish infestation. It might be difficult to detect silverfish in your house if they are not causing noticeable harm to your books or clothing. These insects prefer to move away using their sprinter’s legs if exposed. 

Check under your bath mats if you fear you have silverfish. If the humidity in your home is high, moisture might remain trapped beneath the mat as you get out of the shower or bath. If you do not pick up your mat every time, this undisturbed, humid environment is ideal for silverfish. Silverfish are also likely to be discovered in the corners of cupboards (particularly under kitchen or bathroom sinks), beneath any peeling or lifting flooring, behind any cardboard boxes in your attic or basement, and in any cracks or gaps around your foundation. 

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Kermit Verrill