Home Improvement

Garage door replacement – When is the time to upgrade?

A garage door is more than a mere division between your living space and the outdoors. It offers security and insulation and enhances the visual appeal of your property. Nonetheless, garage doors are susceptible to deterioration with time, like any mechanical apparatus. Understanding the right time for garage door replacement is paramount in safeguarding your home’s integrity, usability, and overall worth.

Garage door replacement signs

  1. Age – A garage door lasts 15 to 30 years, depending on material quality, maintenance routines, and usage patterns. As your garage door approaches or surpasses this lifespan, it’s wise to consider a replacement.
  2. Frequent repairs – Experiencing a more frequent need for garage door repairthan usual could signal that your door is nearing the end of its serviceable life. Constant repairs accumulate expenses, making a new door a potentially more economical choice in the long term.
  3. Sagging or unevenness – A garage door exhibiting sagging or unevenness might suggest springs, hinges, or track issues. Beyond aesthetic concerns, this unevenness compromises the door’s functionality and safety. If attempts to rectify the problem prove ineffective, replacing the door may become necessary.
  4. Noisy operation – While some noise is normal, excessive creaking, squeaking, or grinding sounds during operation indicate worn-out rollers, bearings, or springs. If lubricating the moving parts doesn’t resolve the issue, it may be time to replace the door.
  5. Outdated appearance – A replacement instantly boosts your property’s curb appeal and value if your garage door looks outdated or no longer complements your home’s style.

Upgrading to a new garage door

  • Improved safety and security – New garage doors have advanced safety features such as photo-eye sensors, which detect obstacles and prevent the door from closing on people or objects. They also have improved locking mechanisms and reinforced materials to deter potential break-ins.
  • Enhanced energy efficiency – Insulated garage doors help regulate the temperature inside your garage, reducing energy loss and keeping your home more comfortable.
  • Quieter operation – Modern garage doors are designed with quieter operating systems, such as belt-driven openers and nylon rollers, which minimize noise and vibration during operation.
  • Increased curb appeal – A new garage door significantly enhances the appearance of your home, making it more attractive to potential buyers if you decide to sell in the future.
  • Customization options – With a wide range of materials, styles, colours, and window options, you can choose a garage door that perfectly complements your home’s architecture and personal taste.
  • Low maintenance – Newer garage doors are made from durable, low-maintenance materials such as steel or aluminium, requiring less upkeep than older wooden doors.
  • Warranties – Most new garage doors come with manufacturer warranties that cover defects and artistry, giving you peace of mind and protection for your investment.

Once you’ve chosen your new garage door, it must be professionally installed to ensure proper functioning and safety. DIY installation is dangerous and may void the manufacturer’s warranty. Regular maintenance is crucial to extend the life of your new garage door and prevent costly repairs. This includes lubricating moving parts, tightening hardware, cleaning the door, and tracking scheduled annual professional inspections to catch potential issues early on and keep your door in shape.

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Kermit Verrill